Enhancing Telehealth with Binah.ai's Wellness
Monitoring Solutions


In this webinar you will learn:

  • The importance of wellness monitoring in disease prevention and treatment - for both patients and healthcare services
  • The reality of remote wellness monitoring in telehealth today
  • More about Binah.ai's wellness monitoring for telehealth - including a demo
  • Use cases for wellness monitoring in telehealth

Your data will be kept and managed in Binah.ai systems in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

There is no question that telehealth and digital healthcare solutions will witness a huge growth in adoption over the coming years. Long envisioned, telehealth has been catapulted into reality by the current Covid-19 pandemic. It will increasingly allow medical services to reach out to larger populations and will gradually close the healthcare inequity gap. But telehealth should not be only about a momentary, online physician-patient encounter for the purpose of treating a current health issue. As healthcare expands into preventive care and moves partially out of the hospital, so will telehealth.

Adding real-time, remote wellness monitoring capabilities to telehealth services to collect vital health data, can drastically:

  • Improve preventive care and treatment
  • Reduce hospital readmission rates
  • Offer predictive, real-time health data for improved decision-making
  • Reduce mortality rates
  • Empower patients with a tool for staying on top of their own wellbeing

Monitor Wellness Remotely 
With Binah.ai 


Just by looking at the device's camera

No Wearables Needed

No need to purchase

Easy to Integrate

Available as SDK or end-to-end application platform

Binah.ai app for iPhone and Tablet

Always Accessible

Supported by most smartphones, tablets and laptops

For All

Supports any gender and skin color

Cost Saving

A cost-effective solution to remote wellness monitoring  

Unique Mix of AI
& Signal Processing

Enable users to extract a wide range of vital signs including heart rate, heart rate variability (SDNN and/or RRi raw data), oxygen saturation, respiration rate, mental stress, and soon - blood pressure, from a smartphone, tablet, or laptop camera.


Our Speaker

binah.ai | Health.Care.Anywhere.

David Maman

Co-founder and CEO of Binah.ai

Seasoned speaker and international industry leader, David is a serial entrepreneur who has taken numerous start-ups from vision to international success. Spearheading Binah.ai towards the fulfillment of it's vision,  David sets the strategy and manages the execution of the company's mission to enable health and care, anywhere.

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