Winning Wellness:
How Health Data is
Setting Wellness Providers
Up for Success 


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Tune in to Discover How to:

  • Empower clients to measure, track and share wellness progress in real-time using smartphone cameras
  • Give clients more autonomy over their wellness journeys
  • Personalize suggestions to help promote healthy lifestyle changes based on real-time health data
  • Meet your clients' needs for faster, data-driven services at reduced costs

Your data will be kept and managed in systems in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

The proliferation of real-time health data is opening doors to personalized wellness services and enabling clients to take control of their wellness journeys. Wellness providers have an unprecedented ability to understand their clients' needs and tailor services and suggestions towards them. How can you help your clients measure and track their own health data and use this to help clients stay motivated and engaged? How can you help clients set attainable wellness goals and guide clients with suggestions personalized to suit their needs? How can you prevent churn and help your clients stay on the path to success?
To learn how, tune in to our webinar, hosted by our Co-founder and CEO, David Maman

Monitor Health and Wellness



Just by looking at the device's camera

No Wearables Needed

No need to purchase wearables

Easy to Integrate

Available as SDK or end-to-end application platform


Always Accessible

Supported by most iPhones and Android smartphones

For All

Supports any gender and skin color

Cost Saving

A cost-effective solution to remote wellness monitoring  


Unique Mix of AI & Signal Processing

Measure blood pressure, heart rate, heart rate variability (SDNN and/or RRi raw data), parasympathetic activity, sympathetic stress, oxygen saturation, respiration rate, and pulse respiratory quotient remotely or on-site, just by having clients look at a smartphone camera. Anytime, anywhere. 

Our Speaker

David Maman | Health.Care.Anywhere.

David Maman
Co-founder and CEO

Seasoned speaker and international industry leader, David is a serial entrepreneur who has taken numerous start-ups from vision to international success. Spearheading towards the fulfillment of it's vision, David sets the strategy and manages the execution of the company's mission to enable health and care, anywhere.

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